Monday, November 14, 2022

Generate Word Document Template Using Power Automate


In this Blog am explaining how to Generate Word Template using Power Automate with Back End as SharePoint.

And am Covering how to add Repeating Controller and Plain Text Content Controller in Word Document.


Implementation Steps:


1. Navigate to your SharePoint Site and Create SharePoint List

2. In my case i have created 2 SharePoint List One is Employee and another Student



3. Add Records to Employee List and Student List



4. Now Open Microsoft Word Document 


5. Once Microsoft Word Opened Click on Developer in Ribbon Tool Bar 




6. If the Developer is not available then Click File --> Select Options --> Click Customize Ribbon and Select Developer --> and Click OK




7. Once Done Click Insert and Select Table





8. Now Input the Name in the First Column




9. Now Select the ID  then Click On Developer Ribbon Tab at the TOP then Select Add Plain Text Content Controller




10. Now Once Done Select the ID Column then Click Properties





11. After Clicking Properties it will Open Popup Enter Title and Tag





12. Once done, do the same for other Column as Well





13. Once Done, Now we are ready to Add Repeating Content Controller For the Table so that it will display All the Values from the List





14. Now Click On Properties and Provide the Tag and Title For Relating Table





15. The Same Way Create a New Table For Student and Add the ID and Title 




16. Now am Adding a Single Line of Text  Value as Well--> Simply add a Single Line of Text




17. Once Done Save the File in Your SharePoint Site




Once after Record Gets Created navigate to


18 . Click Apps --> Select New Flow --> Select Instant Cloud Flow and Input the Name as (Generate Word Template Using Power Automate) and Click Create.




19. Now Click Add Step and Select SharePoint and Search for Get Items and Add the SharePoint Site and Select List Name




20. Now Add Get Items Again and Get the Student List





21.Once Done Click Add Step and Search For SELECT





22. Now Select the Respective Values then Please make sure the EMPID and EMPTITLE As like as Properties which we have created in Point 11


23. Now Select Add Steps --> Search for Word then Select POPULATE A MICROSOFT WORD TEMPALTE then Select the Locations





24. Now for Populating REPEATING TABLE click the HIGHLIGHED BUTTON and Select the OUTPUT Values form Point 21.


25. Now Add Some Custom Values in Single Line of Text.


26. Now Send an Email 




That's it :slightly_smiling_face:


Now are are good to start the Process





Now the Flow Created Successfully. Now am Opening My Email and Downloading the file





Open the Downloaded File 




That's it :slightly_smiling_face:


I have mentioned Step by Step behaviors for How to Generate Word Document Template Using Power Automate :slightly_smiling_face:

Monday, November 7, 2022

How to get Quarters from Date in Canvas PowerApps


In this Blog we will see how to get Quarters from Date in Canvas PowerApps

Implementation Steps:


1. Navigate to




2. Select Apps --> Select New App --> Select Canvas


3. Once Page Opened Input the name and Select Tablet or Phone depends on your requirement, from my end am selecting Tablet Mode




4. Once Page Get Opened  --> Add a Label by Selecting (Insert --> Label) and Add a Button as Well




5. Now Select the Button and go to OnSelect and Write below code Logic




Code For Converting Date to Quarter

    Month(Now())>=04 && Month(Now())<=06,
    Month(Now())>=07 && Month(Now())<=09,

6. Now Set the Default Value to getQuarterFromDate



7. Now Click on the Button



You will see the Current Quarter Value there.


That's it :slightly_smiling_face:

Friday, November 4, 2022

Send an Email With Line Breaks From Share Point List : Multi-Line Column ​


In this Blog, we will see how to send email with Line Breaks from Share Point List using Multi-Line Column.

Implementation Steps:

First you need to Create a Multi-Line Text in Share Point List

SharePoint List :

1. Open SharePoint Site 

2. Click Add Column

3. Select Multiple Lines of Text

4. Click Create




Power Automate:


1. Navigate to

2. Create a new Flow




Now Create a Record in SharePoint List and Save it




Once Saved the Microsoft Flow will trigger and you can see the Email in your Inbox





Now Compared with Email and SharePoint List Record Creation the email not came with Line Breaked. Lets see how we can achive this.


Steps to Follow to Achive:


Create a Power Automate flow 

Steps :

1. When a Record is Crated

2. Initialize Variable to get the Multiple Line Text



3. Encrypt the Step 2


4. Now Use Replace Option to Replace '%0A' with '<br>'


5. Now Decrypt the Variable


6. Now Send an Email



Create a new Record in SharePoint List and Check the Email



That's it 

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Filter Email To/CC/BCC Column in Email Table


In this Blog we will see how to filter Email To/Cc/Bcc Fields in CRM/Model Driven Apps

Implementation Steps:


Consider if I have an Email Table with To/CC/Bcc Fields, but To Fields contains lots of Entities in it, But we need to Restrict to Some of the Entities alone




Here is the List of Entities with TO Fields,




Let's See how we can filter this Fields..


Steps to Follow :


1. Navigate to


2. Click Solutions --> Create a New Solution or open an Existing Solution


3. Click Add --> Select New Web Resource


4. Write Below Code and Save it..


function SetDefaultView(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
var customerControl = formContext.getControl("to");
if (customerControl.getEntityTypes().length > 1) {


the Above code mentioned that we are taking the Control ("TO") and filtering the ENTITYTYPES only to ACCOUNT AND CONTACT Table.


5. Once Done , Call this Event in OnLoad of the Form once the Page Loaded you will see only 2 Entity Types with Account and Contact




That's it :slightly_smiling_face:


Using JavaScript we can Filter the TO/CC/BCC fields in Email table

Friday, October 7, 2022

How to Fix Microsoft Flow Error : Request to Azure Resource Manager failed with error: '{'error':{'code':'InvokerConnectionOverrideFailed','message':'Could not find any valid connection for connection reference name 'shared_excelonlinebusiness' in APIM tokens header.'}}'.


In this Blog we will see how to fix Microsoft Flow error - InvokerConnectionOverrideFailed

Implementation Steps:


Consider while creating a new Power Automate Flow which contains Excel or SharePoint. Once After you done with your flow while triggering/testing the flow sometimes you will get Request to Azure Resource Manager failed with error: '{"error":{"code":"InvokerConnectionOverrideFailed","message":"Could not find any valid connection for connection reference name 'shared_excelonlinebusiness' in APIM tokens header."}}'. this error.





Why this Issue Occurs?


This is Because the While Creating the Flow you are trying to add a new Connection within the flow like Adding an Excel (it will automatically create a Connection or SharePoint etc.,.)


How to Resolve this Issue?


There are Couple of Ways we can Resolve this Issue


Resolution 1 - Below Steps need to be Performed Once the Flow Gets Created : 


Once the flow gets Created 


1. Navigate to


2. Click My Flows 


3. Select the Flow and Click on RUN




4. Once You Click on Run it will Load the Popup with Respective Connections ( All the Connection with Current Microsoft Flow is Required) 





5. Once after it is Success you are Good to Trigger the Flow.


Refresh the Screen and Start Working :slightly_smiling_face:


Resolution 2 - Below Steps need to Be Followed before Flow Gets Created:


1. Navigate to


2. Click on Data --> Select Connections




3. Click New Connections




4. Search for the Respective Properties Item to Use (like Excel, SharePoint, Dataverse etc.,.)




5. Select the Respective Item --> Once Selected it will Show you a Popup to Create a Connection




6. Click Create


7. Once After You done this you are food to Create Microsoft Flow, now if you try to add a new connection it will Automatically fetch it from the Respective Connections which we have created.


That's it :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 11 - Customizing Option Sets Dropdown Fields with JavaScript

  In this Blog, we will see how to Customizing Option Sets Dropdown Fields with JavaScript label1 = formContext.getAttribute( "bosch_op...