In this Video we will see how to Working with Lookup Fields in Javascript (MSCRM or Dataverse Environemnt)
Power Platform, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, D365 CE, C#, and MVC, Azure
In this Video we will see how to Working with Lookup Fields in Javascript (MSCRM or Dataverse Environemnt)
In this blog we will see how to Validating Form Fields using JavaScript
function validateDateField(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
if (formContext.getAttribute("bosch_destinationdate").getValue() != null &&
formContext.getAttribute("bosch_sourcedate").getValue() != null) {
if (formContext.getAttribute("bosch_destinationdate").getValue() < formContext.getAttribute("bosch_sourcedate").getValue()) {
var alertStrings = { confirmButtonLabel: "Yes", text: "Destination Date Should be Greater", title: "Date Alert" };
var alertOptions = { height: 120, width: 260 };
Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog(alertStrings, alertOptions).then(
function (success) {
console.log("Alert dialog closed");
function (error) {
In this blog we will see how to enable Asynchronous Operation in MSCRM or Dataverse Environments.
Implementation Steps:
1. Navigate to
2. Click on Environments
3. Open the Environment where you want to run your plugins or workflows
4. Click Edit
5. It will prompt a PopUp --> Scroll to the Last
6. Enable Administration Model and Enable Background Operations
That's it
I have created a view on how to import
data from excel to multiple tables in Canvas PowerApps
Implemented Steps:
Created 2 tables
Created Look Up (Related between 2 tables)
3. Export Excel from Advance Find
4. Update the Sheet and Update the Another Sheet based on the Look which you created from Point 2.
In this Blog we will see how to Enable COPILOT in Canvas PowerApps
Implementation Steps:
1. Navigate to
2. Select the Respective Environment where you want to Enable COPILOT
3. Open the Environment
4. Click Settings on TOP --> Select Product --> Select Feature
5. You will see an Option Called COPILOT Enable the Option
6. Click Save
7. Now go to
8. Click Apps at the Left Side
9. Select New and Select Blank Canvas APP
10. Once the App Opened --> Click Settings from the top and Click Upcoming Features and Turn On COPILOT COMPONENTS
11. Once Done Click INSERT and You will See the COPILOT OPTION ENABLED
Current its based on the REGION Specific
In this Blog we will see how to use Delete operations in Microsoft Dataverse or MSCRM
Implementation Steps:
As I mentioned in my Previous Blog you can able to follow how to use Dataverse Connection with Console Application.
In this Blog we will see how to use Delete Operation in Dataverse
Copy and Paste the below Code for Delete Operations
CrmServiceClient service = new CrmServiceClient(connectionString);
service.Delete("account", new Guid("a4cea450-cb0c-ea11-a813-000d3a1b1223"));
"account" --> Entity Logical Name
"a4cea450-cb0c-ea11-a813-000d3a1b1223" --> GUID of the Record to Delete
In this Blog, we will see how to use Update Operations in Microsoft Dataverse or MSCRM.
Implementation Steps:
As I mentioned in my Previous Blog you can able to follow how to use Dataverse Connection with Console Application.
In this Blog we will see how to use Update Operation in Dataverse
Copy and Paste the below Code for Update Operations
Entity updateAccount = new Entity("account");
updateAccount.Id = new Guid("e0385c7b-8b32-ee11-bdf4-002248d5d764");
updateAccount["name"]= "Updated from Console Application";
"account" --> Entity Logical Name
"e0385c7b-8b32-ee11-bdf4-002248d5d764" --> GUID of the Record to Update
"name" --> Field Name to Update
"Updated from Console Application" --> Values to be Updated
In this Blog we will see how to use Host in Canvas PowerApps
Implementation Steps:
In Canvas PowerApps there is an Option Called Host which Contains
1. BrowserUserAgent : This Will Show the User's Browser Agent
2. OSType : Type of OS
3. Session ID: Current Session ID
4. Tenant ID: Tenant id (Environment ID)
That's it
In this Blog, we will see how to share Canvas PowerApps in Power Platform.
Implementation Steps:
1. Navigate to
2. Click Apps at the Left Side
3. Select the Apps which you want to Share
4. Now Click On Share
5. Input the Name
6. Once User Added then Select weather the User Can be Co-Owner or not
7. If Co-Owner Select the Check Box at the Right Side Form
8. Now Click Share
That's it
In this blog we will see how to Configure Microsoft Azure for Converting Speech to Text
Lets see this in 3 Different Blogs, Here we start with Microsoft Azure
Pre-Requisites :
1. Navigate to
2. Click Search and Search for Resource Group
3. Input the Resource Group name and Click Review and Create
4. Once the Resource Group is Created then Click On Search at the Top and Search for FUNCTION APP
5. Now Create a New Function App like below Image
6. Now Click Review and Create
7. Once Function App Created Open the Function App and Search for Functions --> Select Create --> Select HTTP Trigger --> Select New Function and Click Create
8. Once the Function App is Created, In the Function App Search Search for Advance Tools and Click GO
9. It will Open a POP-UP Click DEBUG and Select CMD
10. Once Page Loaded Click Site Folder --> wwwroot
11. Once the WWWROOT Loaded Select NEW and Select New Folder
12. Name it as "webm-to-wave"
13. Now go this Link and Select Windows and Download the File
14. Once the File is Downloaded Extract the File and GO to BIN and You can see Below Three Files
15. Drag and Drop it to the Folder which we Created
16. Once the File is Uploaded Go one Step Back there you can See the AZURE FUNCTION WHICH YOU CREATED
17. Open that and Click New and Create a File function.json / / run.csx
18. Here is my GITHUB link you can see the Files which need to be available in function.json/ and run.csx
19. Once Done Click Save.
20. Now Again Navigate to
21. Search for Speech Services
22. Create a new Speech Services like below and Click Review and Create
23. Once the Speech Service is Created Open it and Select KEYS and ENDPOINT
24. Copy the KEY and ENDPOINT
That's it For Azure
In Next Blog, we will see how to Write Microsoft Flow to Achieve Speech to Text
In this Blog, we will see how to Customizing Option Sets Dropdown Fields with JavaScript label1 = formContext.getAttribute( "bosch_op...