Thursday, July 7, 2022

Download Images from Dataverse Image Column in PowerApps


In this Blog, we will see how to Download Image from Image Field from Dataverse using PowerApps

Implementation Steps:


1. Navigate to


2. Click Dataverse --> Select Tables




3. If you have table Already available Search that Table else create a Table and Open it


4. Now Click On Columns then Add a New Table Column with Type as Images





5. Click Save and add the Images into Respective Form(Click Forms --> Select Main Forms --> Open it --> Click Columns at the Left Side--> Search for the Created Column --> Add it to the form)





6. Now Open a Record and Store the Images







Now Lets see how we can download this Images from Canvas PowerAppps


1. Copy the Logical Name of Table : In my case it is account (Logical name)


2. Copy the Image Field Name : In my case it is crc2a_image (Logical name should be in Lower Case)




3. Copy the Account Guid : In my case it is 8baca6c3-6deb-ec11-bb3d-000d3ac9b922 (you can pass dynamically as well)


4. Now Click on Apps then Click New Select Canvas and Provide Name and Select the mode as Phone or Tablet





5. Add a Button into Form and Write below Code







6. Change org*** to your Organization URL


7. Now Click on Download --> It will Open up a page with Image Loaded





That's it :slightly_smiling_face:

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Encode and Decode String Using Microsoft Flow


In this Blog, we will see how to encode and Decode String using Microsoft flow

Implementation Steps:


1. Navigate to


2. Click My Flows --> Select New Flows and Select Instant Cloud Flows





3. Once Selected it will Open a Popup --> Input the Flow Name and Select PowerApps and Click Create





4. Now Click Add New Step



5. Search for Variable and Select Initialize Variable




6. Once Selected --> Input Name for that Variable --> Then Select Value and Select Expressions and input the value as 








encodeuriComponent --> Will help you the encode the string 


7. Lets Decode the Encoded String


8. Add a New Step --> Search for Variables --> Select Initialize Variable


9. Add a Name as Decoded Value and Select Value and Write Below Expression




10. Now Click Save --> Click Test --> Select Manually --> Click Test and Run Flow




11. Now the Flow Ran Successfully





12. Lets Expand and see the Values(In the Below Screen you can see first Variable is encoded one and Second is Decoded one )




That's it :slightly_smiling_face:


this is how we need to Encode and Decode String using Microsoft flow.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Convert UTC to IST time zone Using Microsoft Power Automate


In this Blog, we will see how to convert UTC to IST Time Zone Using Microsoft Flow

Implementation Steps:


1. Navigate to


2. Click My Flows --> Select New Flows and Select Instant Cloud Flows




3. Once Selected it will Open a Popup --> Input the Flow Name and Select PowerApps and Click Create




4. Now Click Add New Step



5. Search for Compose



6. Now Select the Data Operation (Compose)


7. Once Compose Added add an Expression called utcNow() and Click OK




8. Again Click on Add Step and Add another Compose to Convert UTC to IST TimeZone




convertFromUtc(utcNow(),'India Standard Time')


Add the Above Query in the Expression and Click Ok


9. Now Save the Flow and Click Test





10. In the Test flow--> Select manually and Click Test




11. Then Select Run Flow and Click Done





12. Now all the Steps Ran Successfully


Expand the Respective Steps to View the Time Difference




 13. Now you can see the difference, first Compose showing UTC and Second Compose 2 Showing UTC to IST Conversion


You can Rename it for Better Understanding as well


That's it :slightly_smiling_face:

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Get the Length from List Rows using Microsoft flow


In this blog, we will see how to check length of List Rows in Microsoft flow.

Implementation Steps:

1. Navigate to

2. Click My Flows

3. Select New Flow --> Select Instance Cloud Flow 

4. Input Name and Select PowerApps

5. Click Create 

In this Scenario, i will pass a name filter in Account to check how Many Records Available

6. Click New Step --> Select Dataverse

7. Input Table name as Account --> and Expand and input filter as name eq demo

8. Now Click Add Step --> Select Condition --> Click on the Condition and Select Expression

9. Input as length of Values

10. Click OK then Select Is equal to (based on your needs) and input number

11. Now Save and Run to see the result

if the condition is satisfied it will given you true, else it will return false.

That's it

TO check the Length simply use


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

How to increase Do Until Loop in Microsoft Flow?


In this blog, we will see how to increase Do Until Loop Count in Microsoft flow.

Implementation Steps:


1. Navigate to


2. Click Flows --> Select Instant Cloud Flow (Depends on your requirement)


3. Input Name and Select PowerApps and Click Create




4. Once Page Loaded then Select Add Step and Search for DO UNTIL




5. Once Selected You will see an Option Called Change Limit




6. Expand that Change Limit, Initially the Limit Will be 60 ( Which means Do Until Loop only Run With 60 Counts/Records )





7. If you want to Run for More than 60 Counts/Records just increase the Count from 60 to Based on your Needs, if you want to set time out you can input the same in Timeout Value




That's it :slightly_smiling_face:

Day 23: Creating New Records Programmatically with JavaScript in Dataverse / MSCRM

In this Blog, we will see how to Create New Records Programmatically with JavaScript in Dataverse / MSCRM var record = {}; record.bosch_day...