In this Video we will see how to Working with Lookup Fields in Javascript (MSCRM or Dataverse Environemnt)
Power Platform, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, D365 CE, C#, and MVC, Azure
In this Video we will see how to Working with Lookup Fields in Javascript (MSCRM or Dataverse Environemnt)
if (formContext.getAttribute("bosch_destinationdate").getValue() != null){
var getFullYear = formContext.getAttribute("bosch_destinationdate").getValue().getFullYear();
var getDate = formContext.getAttribute("bosch_destinationdate").getValue().getDate();
var getMonth = formContext.getAttribute("bosch_destinationdate").getValue().getMonth() + 1;
formContext.getAttribute("bosch_getnumbersfromdestinationdate").setValue(getFullYear + "-" + getDate + "-" + getMonth);
Introduction :
function enableDisableFieldsBasedonCondition(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
if (formContext.getAttribute("bosch_booleanfield").getValue() == true) {
else if (formContext.getAttribute("bosch_booleanfield").getValue() == false) {
function showHideFieldsBasedonCondition(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
if (formContext.getAttribute("bosch_booleanfield").getValue() == true) {
else if (formContext.getAttribute("bosch_booleanfield").getValue() == false) {
In this blog we will see how to Validating Form Fields using JavaScript
function validateDateField(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
if (formContext.getAttribute("bosch_destinationdate").getValue() != null &&
formContext.getAttribute("bosch_sourcedate").getValue() != null) {
if (formContext.getAttribute("bosch_destinationdate").getValue() < formContext.getAttribute("bosch_sourcedate").getValue()) {
var alertStrings = { confirmButtonLabel: "Yes", text: "Destination Date Should be Greater", title: "Date Alert" };
var alertOptions = { height: 120, width: 260 };
Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog(alertStrings, alertOptions).then(
function (success) {
console.log("Alert dialog closed");
function (error) {
Day 3 : Basic event handling - Onload, Onchange in MSCRM / Dataverse
Script :
function onChange(executionContext) { debugger; var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); if (formContext.getAttribute("bosch_dayname").getValue() != null) { var alertStrings = { confirmButtonLabel: "Yes", text: formContext.getAttribute("bosch_dayname").getValue(), title: "Throw Alert" }; var alertOptions = { height: 120, width: 260 }; Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog(alertStrings, alertOptions).then( function (success) { console.log("Alert dialog closed"); }, function (error) { console.log(error.message); } ); } }
Day 2 : using FormContext to retrieve and set field values in MSCRM/Dataverse forms.
Sample JavaScript
function onLoad(executionContext) { debugger; var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); if (formContext.getAttribute("bosch_dayname").getValue() != null) { formContext.getAttribute("bosch_setvalue").setValue(formContext.getAttribute("bosch_dayname").getValue()) } }
Video for your Reference
In this Blog, we will see how to Customizing Option Sets Dropdown Fields with JavaScript label1 = formContext.getAttribute( "bosch_op...