Monday, September 6, 2021

Command Designer with PowerFx


In this Blog we will see preview feature of PowerApps for Command Designer

Steps to Follow:

1. If you have Environment available go to else Create Trail and navigate to

2. Then Create a model driven app 

3. Once Model Driven app created change to URL to

4. Navigate to Solutions and open the solution which you have created based on step 2

5. Open solution Opened Click on Apps then select the three Dots of your Model Driven apps then Click Edit and select Edit in Preview

6. Once Page Opened click on the Entities the Edit Command bar(Preview)

7. As it is a preview we cannot edit Out-of-the Box Buttons

8. To Create a new Button click on New Command

9. To change Icon

Select the Icon as Use Icon and select the Icon So that you can see the icon displayed at the Button Level

10. To trigger Action 

Select the Run Formula if you want to user PowerFX like Patch etc

Patch(Contacts,Self.Selected.Item,{'Enable Button':'Enable Button (Contacts)'.Yes})

If you want to update some data in the Record you can use above function         (here Enable Button is a two option Field)

11. To Run JavaScript

Change Action to Run JavaScript and provide the Library and function (add Parameter if needed)

12. To enable and Disable function

Set Visibility to Show on Condition from formula

In the Visible property i written function as if the field is No display else don't display
Self.Selected.Item.'Enable Button'='Enable Button (Contacts)'.No

13. Then you can SaveAndPublish
14. Run to see the changes

15. if you want to see these components

Click on Component Library and Click on the Library inside the Grid to see the components.

Github for more commands

Powerapps with Bing Maps


In this Post we will see how to user Powerapps with Bing Maps

1. Login to

2. Click Apps --> select New --> Select Canvas --> Select Tablet Mode

3. Add two Labels and Name like Follows

       a. "Latitude" & Location.Latitude

       b. "Longitude" & Location.Longitude

4. Go to Bing Maps Dev Center - Bing Maps Dev Center (

5. Click Sign In

6. Enter the Respective Details

7. Once the Account Created --> Go to My Account -->Select Keys

8. Expand show Key and Copy the Key

9. Navigate to Powerapps again ---> Select DataSource --> Select Add Data select  Bings Maps--> Paste the Key and click Done

10. Once Connected--> Add Image field in the Gallery

        a. in the Image Column BingMaps.GetMap("Road",15,Location.Latitude,Location.Longitude)

11. Once you provided you can see the map gets loaded

12. Once Done to add a Dynamic Values

13. Create 3 Text Box for Street,Country and PostalCode then three lables for the same
        a. then Add a Button and in onselect of button write this code     Set(getLocationByAddress,BingMaps.GetLocationByAddress({addressLine:TextInput1.Text,adminDistrict:TextInput1_1.Text,postalCode:TextInput1_2.Text}))

14. Then in the Label --> 2 new Lables
        "Latitude" & getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.latitude
        "Longitude" & getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.longitude

15. Once we click on Button the 14(labels will auto populate

16. Then select the Map and write below code

BingMaps.GetMap("Road",15,getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.latitude,getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.longitude,{pushpin:getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.latitude&","&getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.longitude&";21;"& TextInput1.Text})

"Road" --> Road View

15 --> Zoom Level

getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.latitude --> Latitude

getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.longitude --> Longitude

PushPin{} --> for Showing push pin with Comma separator with Latitude and Longitude

21--> Map with Pushpin number

TextInput1.Text --> To display address

GitHub Link for your reference

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Add Image control in Dataverse or CRM Templates

 Navigate to

Navigate to Solutions

Create a Solution by Providing Required Details

Click Save

Then If you want to Create a new Table click App then select Table and Provide Required Information


Click on Add Existing then Select the Existing Table

Open the Created/Existing Table

Then Create an Image File by clicking on Add Column

Click Save

Now go to Forms --> Add the Field into the Form


Once Added the template in the Form click Save then Publish

Now Click on Back

Then Navigate to Data Create a New record and Add an Image File

Once the Record gets Created

Navigate to Advance Settings --> By clicking on Gear Icon at the top then Select Template


Select the Templates and Click New

Select Word Template and select Entity (based on the entity which you have added into the solution), then click on select Entity. System will Generate a File

Open the File then Click on Develop at the top then click on XML Mapping Pane

then Select the last option in Custom XML Part

once selected click expand then select the Logical name of image which we have created

Right Click on Image then select Insert Content Control Then Click Picture

Once the Picture Added save the File (Demo For Document Template)

Then navigate to Dataverse/CRM System then go to template in settings à Select Upload template and Upload the Filed which we have saved.

Once Done. Open the Contact Record which we have created

Click three dots then select Demo For Document Template click on the file to download

Once download done open the file


 Youtube Link for your reference


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

How to Patch Choice Field and lookup in Sharepoint Powerapps

 Hello All,

Usually in Sharepoint for patching Text field we can easily patch it to Powerapps

but for Creating/Updating the Choice/Lookup field we need to use different way to Update the same. 

Please find the below Code to Patch choice field and Lookup Field in PowerApps

To Patch Choice Field

Patch('Sharepoint List Name',

   Defaults('Sharepoint List Name'),




  Value:"Enter Choice #2"} // Approved




To Patch lookup Field


Patch('Sharepoint List Name',

         Defaults('Sharepoint List Name'),


                        Id:'ID OF THE RECORD',//Gallery1.Selected.ID

                        Value:'Value of the Record'}//Gallery1.Selected.Title




Sunday, August 29, 2021

Preview Send-In App notifications

 Step 1:

    Create a trial Environment Link for Reference

Step 2 :

    Open the trial Environment (You cannot see App Notification Button)

Step 3:

    Go to

    Click Solutions 

    Create a New Solution

    Create a New Model Driven App by selecting New--> App --> Model-Driven App  --> Copy the UNIQUE Model Driven App name

Step 4:

    Open the Created Model Driven Apps --> Click F12 Button --> and Navigate to Console and Run the below code

fetch(window.origin + "/api/data/v9.1/SaveSettingValue()",{ method: "POST", headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body: JSON.stringify({AppUniqueName: "Your app unique name", SettingName:"AllowNotificationsEarlyAccess", Value: "true"}) });


Change "Your app unique name" to your Model Driven App Name

Step 5:

    To make the notification triggering point --> Create a webresource like below and call the function from the ONload of any entity

function OnLoad(executionContext) {

    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();

    var systemuserid = formContext.context.getUserId().replace("{","").replace("}","");

    var notificationRecord =


        "title": "Welcome",

        "body": "Welcome to the world of app notifications!",

        "ownerid@odata.bind": "/systemusers(" + systemuserid + ")",

        "icontype": 100000000, // info

        "toasttype": 200000000 // timed


    // Create notification record

    Xrm.WebApi.createRecord("appnotification", notificationRecord).


            function success(result) {

                console.log("notification created with ID: " +;


            function (error) {


                // handle error conditions




Youtube Link for your reference
Microsoft Link for your reference

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

How to Generate Barcode in Canvas PowerApps

Created Sample Record



Login to Powerapps --> Create an Canvas App--> Connect with Dataverse(Based on your Backend)

Above shows the Gallery Record

Create a new Screen (Name: BarcodeScreen) --> Add a Button called Generate barcode

On-select of Generate Barcode --> Navigate(BarcodeScreen,ScreenTransition.Cover)

Open BarcodeScreen

Add a HTML Text by Selecting Text at the Top of the Ribbon


Navigate to the URL :

You can see the Data and Refresh Button

Whatever data you are entering in the Data Will Automatically display as Barcode image

Scroll down and Copy <img> </img>(Line)

URL : "<img alt='Barcode Generator TEC-IT' src='' width=400; height=300/>"


Now to Populate Values Dynamically from the Main Gallery(Step 1)

Replace URL (BARCODE) like below

"<img alt='Barcode Generator TEC-IT' src='"&mainGallery.Selected.'Barcode ID'&"&code=&multiplebarcodes=false&translate-esc=true&unit=Fit&dpi=96&imagetype=Gif&rotation=0&color=%23000000&bgcolor=%23ffffff&codepage=Default&qunit=Mm&quiet=0&hidehrt=False' width=400; height=300/>"


That’s it.


You can see the Barcode Generated


github link for your reference

Youtube link for your reference

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

How to Write Business Rules in Dataverse or CRM

 Hi All, 

Please find the below step by step for creating Business Rules


Open Dynamics CRM / Dataverse 

Click Gear Icon at TOP right

Click Advance Settings


Select Customization à Customize the system à Expand Entities à In this demo am using Opportunity as an Entity

Select Business Rules à Select New

Input Name by expanding the Arrow

You can choose Scope , if Entity(All the servicecalls or data import), if All Forms(In Client Side it will trigger for all the forms) Rather will run based on Form based

Above Actions we can perform in Business Rules.

To Start the Operation, Select Add à And Select the Respective Actions which you want to Perform, once selected click Properties at the Right side and Choose the option based on Field, Operator, Type etc and Click APPLY to proceed further.



Once this condition doneà Click Activate

Refresh the form



Youtube Link for your reference


Day 23: Creating New Records Programmatically with JavaScript in Dataverse / MSCRM

In this Blog, we will see how to Create New Records Programmatically with JavaScript in Dataverse / MSCRM var record = {}; record.bosch_day...