Friday, April 1, 2022

Hide Command Bar using JavaScript in Model Driven App


In this Blog, we will see how to hide Navigation Bar in Model Driven App using JavaScript.

Implementation Steps:


When ever you tried to create a new Record, you will be redirected to a page like below




Red Color Highlighted Called Command Bar


If we want to hide that Command Bar follow below steps to achieve the same.


1. Navigate to

2. Click Solutions --> Create a new Solution

3. Click New --> Click More --> Select Web Resource and add a new Web Resource



4. Write below code in Web Resource



function onLoadHideCommandBar(executionContext) {
    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();



booleanValue : pass true or false as an option


true - visible Command bar

false - hide Command bar


Once Code Published:


Load or Open a new Record




Now you cannot see the Navigation Bar.


That's it :slightly_smiling_face:


Friday, March 25, 2022

How to validate weather the number is Positive or Negative in Canvas Application


In this blog we will see how to check weather number is POSTIVE or NEGATIVE in CANVAS APP

Implementation Steps:


1. Navigate to


2. Click Apps --> Click New --> Select Canvas App --> Choose Tablet/Phone based on your needs --> Enter name and Click Ok


3. Add Label and Name it as INPUT NUMBER


4. Add Text Box and Change format to NUMBER (Name it as txtnumber)


5. Add Submit Button




6. On Select of Submit Button Write Below Code


If(Value(txtnumber.Text)>0,Notify("Enter Number " & txtnumber.Text & " is Positive",NotificationType.Success),Notify("Enter Number " & txtnumber.Text & " is Negative",NotificationType.Success))




Input Number : 5 and Submit




Input Number : -5 and Submit





That's it :slightly_smiling_face:


Tuesday, March 22, 2022

How to Customize Tool Tip for a Field in Model Driven Apps


In this Blog we will see how to Add or Customize Tool Tip for a Field in Model Driven Apps or CRM

Implementation Steps:


1. Navigate to

2. Click Data

3. Click Tables

4. In this Scenario am taking Account table as an Example

     --> Create a New Field



I Created a Field Called Tool Tip


5. Once the Field Gets Created --> Add that Field in the Form.


6. Once Field Gets Added --> if you open a record you will see Default Tool tip will populate the Display Name.





Let's see how we can customize this.


7. Open the Created Field --> Fill the Description Field




8. Save and Publish it Again


9. Now Open a Record --> Move Hover to the Field




That's it :slightly_smiling_face:


Monday, March 21, 2022

Form Notification in Model Driven Apps Using JavaScript


In this blog we will see how to show Form Notification using JavaScript in Model Driven Apps.


Consider i have an Account Screen, with Annual Revenue field as 5000, if the value exceed more than 5000 i need to show an Notification.




Implementation Steps:


1. Create a WebResource 

2. Open the JavaScript (Web Resource which you have Created).


Creating WebResource:




Adding Web Resource to Form




In My Scenario, am triggering alert on Change of Field Value.


 So, Open the Form --> Click on the Field --> Click Events --> Then Input the Event name (Function name) and WebResource where the Function residing --> Save --> Publish





Write the below Code in the JavaScript


function onChange(executionContext){
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
formContext.ui.setFormNotification("Annual Revenue should be less than 5000", "INFO", "1");


Notification Pop-up:




No Notification(Because we are Clearing the Notification):





Once written above code, just save and publish.


That's it :slightly_smiling_face:

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Create Notes / Move Notes and Attachments from One Entity to another


In this blog we will see how to move Notes from One Entity to Another

Implementation Steps:


Consider when ever I Qualify a Lead to Contact, I need to Move the Respective Lead(Notes/Attachment) from Lead to Contact.


Let's see how can we do that.


Create a Plugin 


string getNotes = @"<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>
  <entity name='annotation'>
    <all-attributes />
    <order attribute='subject' descending='false' />
    <link-entity name='lead' from='leadid' to='objectid' link-type='inner' alias='aa'>
      <filter type='and'>
        <condition attribute='leadid' operator='eq' value='{objectid}' />

                getNotes = getNotes.Replace("{objectid}", "LEADGUID");
                EntityCollection collectNotes = service.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(getNotes));

                foreach (var loopColelctNotes in collectNotes.Entities)
                    Entity _annotation = new Entity("annotation");
                    _annotation.Attributes["objectid"] = new EntityReference("contact", getContactDetails.Id);
                    _annotation.Attributes["objecttypecode"] = "contact";
                    if (loopColelctNotes.Attributes.Contains("subject"))
                        _annotation.Attributes["subject"] = loopColelctNotes.Attributes["subject"];

                    if (loopColelctNotes.Attributes.Contains("documentbody"))
                        _annotation.Attributes["documentbody"] = loopColelctNotes.Attributes["documentbody"];

                    if (loopColelctNotes.Attributes.Contains("mimetype"))
                        _annotation.Attributes["mimetype"] = loopColelctNotes.Attributes["mimetype"];

                    if (loopColelctNotes.Attributes.Contains("notetext"))
                        _annotation.Attributes["notetext"] = loopColelctNotes.Attributes["notetext"];

                    if (loopColelctNotes.Attributes.Contains("filename"))
                        _annotation.Attributes["filename"] = loopColelctNotes.Attributes["filename"];




Trigger the above code on Create of an Entity in Async Operation.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

How to Show Hyper link in Canvas PowerApps


In this Blog we will see how to show HyperLink in PowerApps Canvas.

Implementation Steps:


1. Navigate to


2. Click Apps --> Select new --> Select Canvas App (Tablet/Phone)


3. Once Page Loaded --> Click Insert --> Click Text --> Select HTML Text





4. Once HTML Loaded  --> Click HTML TEXT in fx and write below code


"<a href=''>Open Ram Blog</a>"





5. Now Run the Application 




That's it :slightly_smiling_face: if you click on the Link it will open up in Another Page :slightly_smiling_face:

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Quick Create not opening from Sub grid?


In this blog we will see how to show Quick Create form from Sub grid.

Implementation Steps:


Consider I have two entities 


1. Table 1 

2. Table 2.


I need to Open Table 1 as a Quick create from Table 2 SUBGRID.


Lets see how we can do that.


1. Navigate to


2. Click Gear Icon at the Top --> Select Advance Settings


3. Click Settings--> Customization --> Customize the System


4. It will Open a Page --> Expand Entities --> Click Table1 --> Make Sure you will Check ALLOW QUICK CREATE





5. Once the Above Step Done --> Click Save and Publish


6. Once Publish done --> Navigate to 


7. Click Apps --> Select your Model Driven Apps --> Click Edit --> Expand Entity View --> Select the Table --> Select Quick Create Form 




8. Once Check Box done --> Click Save --> Click Publish


9. Once done --> Close all the window and Publish All Customization.


That's it :slightly_smiling_face:

Day 23: Creating New Records Programmatically with JavaScript in Dataverse / MSCRM

In this Blog, we will see how to Create New Records Programmatically with JavaScript in Dataverse / MSCRM var record = {}; record.bosch_day...