Thursday, September 30, 2021

Change DataVerse/D365 rollup frequency


Usually When we create a Rollup Field it automatically creates a System Jobs with Recurrence of 1 Day. In this Blog, we will see how to change Rollup Frequency in DataVerse Environment.

Steps to Follow:


1. Navigate to


2. Then Click on Advance Settings by clicking Gear Icon at the Top




3. Then Click System Jobs




4. Change View to All Rollup Field Calculation Jobs




5. Then Open the Required Job to Change the Occurrence




6. Click Actions then Select Modify Recurrence




7. Then change Occurrence based on Requirement




That's it :slightly_smiling_face:

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

How to Create and Distribute Solutions from Power Platform

 Implementation Process:


1. Navigate to


2. Click Solutions then Click New then Enter the mandatory details like (Display Name/ Name / Publisher / Version)




3. Once Entered the Mandatory details click on Create --> Then open the Solution (in my case it is Demo Solution for publisher)






4. Click New to add a new Components(Tables/JS etc)


5. Click Add Existing to add the Existing Components


6. Once Done click On Export --> Then Publish




7. Then you will be directed to another screen for Exporting solution as Managed or UnManaged



a. Unmanaged --> If you Import it as Unmanaged in the destination environment we able to edit the Components available in the solution. Possible to export from the destination environment too.


b. Managed --> If you Import it as Managed you cannot edit the component. Not Possible to Export from destination environment.


8. Select the appropriate type and Click Export


9. Once import done you can import the same to your destination environment


That's it. This is how we need to Create, Export/Import solution from Source to Destination environment.

Publisher in Power Platform



As per Out of Behavior, Power platform will provide default prefix for custom entities as new_ or cr608_. To create custom prefix we need to create a publisher so that we can use our custom prefix while creating custom entities or custom fields in custom tables or OOB tables.


Implementation Steps:


1. Navigate to


2. Click on Solutions


3. Then Click on New Solution then select New Publisher Button




4. It will Navigate to another screen to Create a Publisher. Enter the Mandatory Details as Display Name/Name/Prefix

In this Demo am selected my Prefix as demo




5. If you want to enter Contact details about the publisher click on Contact and enter the details (Not Mandatory)




6. Once Done Click On Save Button to Save the Publisher




That's it. This is how we need to create Publisher.


Please find the Video for your reference

Youtube link for your reference.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Add Custom Icons in Sub-Grid or View in Model Driven Apps or CRM


In this blog we will see how to Add an Image or Icon in SUBGRID / VIEWS in Model Driven Apps or Dynamics CRM

Steps to Follow:

In this example in Opportunity Entity i have created an Option Set field

1. Submitted

2. Sent for Approval

3. Approved

4. Rejected

I have downloaded Four images and store it in CRM as Web Resources(Settings --> Customization--> Customize the system --> WebResource--> New WebResource --> Type as PNG)

As the Above mentioned you need to Process it for storing the PNG

Once Above steps done create an WebResource for JavaScript(Settings --> Customization--> Customize the system --> WebResource--> New WebResource --> Type as JavaScript)

Then write the below code in the TEXT Editor Javascript

function populateImageValuesinGrid(rowDataFromGrid) {


    var getRows = JSON.parse(rowDataFromGrid);

    var currentRecordStatus = getRows.cr608_currentrecordstatus;

    var populateimageValues = "";

    var populateTooltip = "";

    switch (currentRecordStatus) {

        case "Submitted":

            populateimageValues = "SUBMITTED WEBRESOURCE NAME";//cr608_submited

            populateTooltip = "Submitted";


        case "Approved":

            populateimageValues ="Approved WEBRESOURCE NAME";//cr608_Approved

            populateTooltip = "Approved";


        case "Rejected":

            populateimageValues = "Rejected WEBRESOURCE NAME";//cr608_rejcted

            populateTooltip = "Rejected";


        case "Sent For Approval":

            populateimageValues = "SFA WEBRESOURCE NAME";//cr608_sent for approval

            populateTooltip = "Sent For Approval";



    var returnArrayValues = [populateimageValues, populateTooltip];

    return returnArrayValues;


Once Pasted the above script--> Click Save then Publish

Once Publish Done

Open the Opportunity Entity from Solutions --> then click on View(here am going to populate in Opportunity association view)--> Open it then select open Classic View --> then Select the STATUS COLUMN(where you want to show images)

then Input the WebResource Name then Input the FUNCTION name --> Click Ok --> Save and Close --> PUBLISH

Thats it. Now you can see the image automatically gets populated based on the status


This is how we need to add Images/Icons in Custom View or in Grid

Friday, September 17, 2021

Create and Connect - Multi-factor enabled D365 Dataverse Programmatically



In this Blog, we will see how to create Application User in Azure to Access Dynamics CRM/ Model-Driven Apps

Azure Steps to Follow for Application User Registration

1. Login to

2. Search for App Registrations at the top

3. Click New App Registration
4. Enter the Name and Click on Register

5. Once Registration Done 

6. Copy Application ID and Store it in Notepad

7. Search for Certificates and Secrets

8. Select New Client Secret

9. Enter the Description and Click Save

10. You will be getting Client Secret once you save it.

11. Copy that in your Notepad where Application ID Copied

Create Application User in Model-Driven Apps / CRM

1. Login to D365 CDS environment

2. Go to Settings –> Security –>Users

3. Change the view to ‘Application Users’ and click New. Make sure the form is ‘Application User’ form

4. Click New and Change Form to Application User and Input Application ID in the Text Box and Save

5. Then Assign appropriate Security role to this Application User as per your organization’s security set up.

C# Connection String:

String connectionString = “AuthType=ClientSecret; url=<your organization URL>; ClientId=<your application id>; ClientSecret=<client secret key>”;

                CrmServiceClient crmServiceClient = new CrmServiceClient(connectionString ); //Connecting to the D-365 CDS instance


                if (crmServiceClient != null && crmServiceClient.IsReady)

                { //Do your operation}

Implement JavaScript in ModelDriven Apps / MSCRM



In this blog we will see how to write JavaScript in Model Driven Apps and MSCRM


    1. On Load Event

    2. On Save Event

    3. On Change Event

Steps to Follow

    a. To Proceed With First Navigate to

    b. Then Navigate to Table where you want to write JavaScript

    c. Then Click On Form --> Open the main form

     d. then Click on Events and Click Add Library

    e. If you have already Web Resource Available you can select the WebResource if not select New WebResource

    f. Then it will open a form there you can enter the WebResource Name then type as JSCRIPT and Click Text Editor then you can input your JAVASCIPRT for the Event 

    e. Once the WebResource Selected you can See the Event Hander Button will get Enabled

    g. You can see the Event Handler click On OnLoad (Event Handler) to Process with On Load Event then On Save(Event Handler) for On Save Operation once added the funciton Name Click ok
    h. then we can See the Event Gets Added 


    a. Click on the Field in the Form to Proceess with On Change Operation

    b. Here you can see the Events with On Change Operation 


    c. Click On Event Handler and Add the On Change Function name in Function Text Box

Then Click on Done 

Save and then Publish

That's It. 

Now if you Open the Screen then You can see the OnLoad(when page Gets Loaded),OnChange(When a Field Gets Changed), OnSave(When a Page gets Saved)

For Script/Demo Solution you can refer to this github


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Show or Hide Command Bar using JavaScript in DataVerse/ Dynamics 365



In this Blog we will see how to show or hide Command bar using JavaScript in Both Dataverse/Model Driven Apps/ CRM

Below is the Sample Screen Shot for Command bar

If we want to hide any button or edit command we can use RIBBON Workbench or Customize Using XML. But there is no other functionality for hiding whole Command Bar.

To recover from this Situation Microsoft introduced a new Feature for Show or Hide functionality

Script to Use:


To Utilize in script

function showOrHideCommandBar(executionContext)


var formContext = executionContext.getFromContext();

formContext.ui.headerSection.setCommandBarVisible(false); // True to enable // False to hidden


That's it :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Step by Step Guidence Calculated Field and Rollup Fields in DataVerse


In this Blog we will see how to Use Calculated Field and Rollup Fields in Dataverse Environment.

Calculated Field:

We can use calculated Field for doing multiple operations like (Add/Subtract/multiple) etc.,.

Example Process Steps:

1. Navigate to

2. Click Solutions

3. Create a Solutions and Add Create an Entity or Add an Existing Entity

4. Consider Entity name (Calculate Table)

5. Open Calculate Table --> Add Column and Create three Fields --> Select Data Type as Whole Number

6. Create a new Field in the same table and Select Data Type as Whole Number and Select Calculated or Rollup as Calculation and Click Done

7. Once save Done Open the Field Again the click Open Calculation

8. Once Page gets opened (write the script in Action Column)

9. Once Done click Tick Symbol and Save the Record 

You can see the Values calculated as per our expectations


If you leave the Value as NULL then the calculate value wont work. if you want to make it work write a business rule / Javascript to set it to Zero if value is Blank

RollUp Field:

We can use Rollup Field to Rollup Values from Child to Parent Record(SUM/Count/AVG/Min/Max)

Example Process Steps:

1. Navigate to

2. Click Solutions

3. Create a Solutions and Add Create an Entity or Add an Existing Entity

4. Consider Entity name (Opportunity)

5. Create a Field in the Opportunity (Lookup to Account and Total Amount Field)

6. In the Account Entity Create a Field With type as Whole Number and Select Calculate or Rollup fiel d to ROLLUP based on below Image

7. Once field Created open the field

8. As per the screen shot mentioned Click Open Rollup and Select the Related Entity and User the Aggregate Operation (here Am taking Sum of Total Value from Opportunity)

9. Save and Close and publish it.


Hope you can able to understand technically how to use Calculated and Rollup Fields. Drop me a comment if you have any queries

github for Sample Solution

Monday, September 6, 2021

Command Designer with PowerFx


In this Blog we will see preview feature of PowerApps for Command Designer

Steps to Follow:

1. If you have Environment available go to else Create Trail and navigate to

2. Then Create a model driven app 

3. Once Model Driven app created change to URL to

4. Navigate to Solutions and open the solution which you have created based on step 2

5. Open solution Opened Click on Apps then select the three Dots of your Model Driven apps then Click Edit and select Edit in Preview

6. Once Page Opened click on the Entities the Edit Command bar(Preview)

7. As it is a preview we cannot edit Out-of-the Box Buttons

8. To Create a new Button click on New Command

9. To change Icon

Select the Icon as Use Icon and select the Icon So that you can see the icon displayed at the Button Level

10. To trigger Action 

Select the Run Formula if you want to user PowerFX like Patch etc

Patch(Contacts,Self.Selected.Item,{'Enable Button':'Enable Button (Contacts)'.Yes})

If you want to update some data in the Record you can use above function         (here Enable Button is a two option Field)

11. To Run JavaScript

Change Action to Run JavaScript and provide the Library and function (add Parameter if needed)

12. To enable and Disable function

Set Visibility to Show on Condition from formula

In the Visible property i written function as if the field is No display else don't display
Self.Selected.Item.'Enable Button'='Enable Button (Contacts)'.No

13. Then you can SaveAndPublish
14. Run to see the changes

15. if you want to see these components

Click on Component Library and Click on the Library inside the Grid to see the components.

Github for more commands

Powerapps with Bing Maps


In this Post we will see how to user Powerapps with Bing Maps

1. Login to

2. Click Apps --> select New --> Select Canvas --> Select Tablet Mode

3. Add two Labels and Name like Follows

       a. "Latitude" & Location.Latitude

       b. "Longitude" & Location.Longitude

4. Go to Bing Maps Dev Center - Bing Maps Dev Center (

5. Click Sign In

6. Enter the Respective Details

7. Once the Account Created --> Go to My Account -->Select Keys

8. Expand show Key and Copy the Key

9. Navigate to Powerapps again ---> Select DataSource --> Select Add Data select  Bings Maps--> Paste the Key and click Done

10. Once Connected--> Add Image field in the Gallery

        a. in the Image Column BingMaps.GetMap("Road",15,Location.Latitude,Location.Longitude)

11. Once you provided you can see the map gets loaded

12. Once Done to add a Dynamic Values

13. Create 3 Text Box for Street,Country and PostalCode then three lables for the same
        a. then Add a Button and in onselect of button write this code     Set(getLocationByAddress,BingMaps.GetLocationByAddress({addressLine:TextInput1.Text,adminDistrict:TextInput1_1.Text,postalCode:TextInput1_2.Text}))

14. Then in the Label --> 2 new Lables
        "Latitude" & getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.latitude
        "Longitude" & getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.longitude

15. Once we click on Button the 14(labels will auto populate

16. Then select the Map and write below code

BingMaps.GetMap("Road",15,getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.latitude,getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.longitude,{pushpin:getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.latitude&","&getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.longitude&";21;"& TextInput1.Text})

"Road" --> Road View

15 --> Zoom Level

getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.latitude --> Latitude

getLocationByAddress.point.coordinates.longitude --> Longitude

PushPin{} --> for Showing push pin with Comma separator with Latitude and Longitude

21--> Map with Pushpin number

TextInput1.Text --> To display address

GitHub Link for your reference

Day 11 - Customizing Option Sets Dropdown Fields with JavaScript

  In this Blog, we will see how to Customizing Option Sets Dropdown Fields with JavaScript label1 = formContext.getAttribute( "bosch_op...