Monday, May 30, 2022

Using Force Sync User to sync users – Power Platform / Dynamics 365


In this Blog we will see how to Force Sync Users using Microsoft Flow with Dataverse environment.

Implementation Steps:


1. Navigate to


2. Search Users


3. Search User Name




4. Once the User page Loaded, search for Object ID, if the Object ID is Not Available, Click Edit Columns and Add OBJECT ID





5. Copy the GUID(Object ID) and Paste it in Notepad


6. Navigate to


7. Click My Flow --> Select New Flow --> Select Instant Cloud Flow


8. Enter the Name and Select PowerApps





9. Once Select Click Create --> Once Page Loaded select Add Steps --> And Search for Power Platform For Admins


10. Search for Force Sync Users





11. Once Force Sync User selected it will ask you for Environment and Object ID





12. Input the Details and for Object ID (Select Ask in PowerApps)


13. That's it.. Now Click on Save --> And Click Run and Select Manually --> Click Test --> Click Continue


14. Now it will ask for Object id, Paste the Object ID from Point 5





15. Click Run Flow --> Click Done




16. Once done, you can check the synced user  in your environment.


That's it :slightly_smiling_face:


Monday, May 23, 2022

Convert String to Number using Power Automate


In this Blog we will see how to convert String to Number using Power Automate

Implementation Steps:


1. Navigate to


2. Click My Flows --> Click New Flow --> Select Instant Cloud Flow (You can select based on your needs)




3. Input Flow Name and Select PowerApps as Trigger





4. Click Create


5. Click Add Step --> Search for Variables --> Select Initialize Variable --> Input Name and Select Type as String and Value as "10"




6. Then Again Click Add Step and Select Initialize Variable Again and Input Name and Select Type as Integer




7. Write below Expression to Convert string to Integer 


int(variables('STRING Values'))




8. Click Save --> Click Test (at the Top Right)


9. Select Manually --> Click Test --> Click Run Flow --> Then Click Done




10. That's it :slightly_smiling_face:

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Change Radio Button Layout from Vertical to Horizontal in Canvas App


In this Blog we will see how to Change Radio Button layout from Vertical to Horizontal in Canvas App.

Implementation Steps:


1. Navigate to 


2. Click Apps


3. Click New Apps --> Select Phone or Tablet Mode


4. Input Name for the Apps and Click Done


5. Once the Page Loaded --> Click Insert and Radio Button





6. Once the Radio button added the LAYOUT for the Radio button will show in Vertical Manner




7. Now if I want to change it to Horizontal Manner --> We need to Select Layout as Horizontal


Change Value From :










That's it :slightly_smiling_face:

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

How to Set Model Driven App theme in PowerApps Canvas


In this Blog we will see how to set Model Driven App theme in PowerApps Canvas

Implementation Steps:


Model Driven Apps:


1. Navigate to


2. Click Gear Icon at the Top --> Select Advance Settings 


3. Once the Page Loaded --> Click Customization --> Select Theme --> You will see Default Theme ( You can see only one default theme for an Application)






4. Now go to


5. Click App --> And Provide the Name for the App and select Tablet or Phone Mode based on your needs --> In this i have selected Tablet Mode




6. Click DataSource --> Select Theme DataSource




7. Once the DataSource Added In the On Start of App Paste the below code


Set(getThemeValues,LookUp(Themes_1,'Default Theme'='Default Theme (Themes_1)'.Yes));


  1. Get the Value from Lookup in Theme with Default Theme as Yes


8. Add Multiple Labels in the Form




9. Now Based on the Theme we can load the values(getThemeValues)


10. Now Add one by one to the LABEL : FILL and Label Text




ColorValue(getThemeValues.'Legacy Accent Color')
ColorValue(getThemeValues.'Navigation Bar Fill Color')


11. Based on the Above code we can use the color in different places according to Model Driven App


Final Output





That's it :slightly_smiling_face:


Monday, May 9, 2022

What's my IP for Microsoft Flow?


In this blog, we will see how to Retrieve IP Address for Microsoft Flow



I want to get Response from WebService, that service is restricted to some of the IP Address. I need to get that Service Using Microsoft Flow, So i need to get IP Address of Microsoft Flow to add that IP Address manually to service to get the values.


Let's see how we can achieve this.



Implementation Steps:


1. Navigate to


2. Click New App --> Select Instant Cloud Flow





3. Input Name For the Flow and Select PowerApps




4. Select HTTP Trigger




5. Select Method as GET and Input URI as




6. Now Save the Flow 


7. Click Test at the Top Right and Select MANUAL trigger --> Select Run Workflow


That's it :slightly_smiling_face:





8. You can see the IP address in BODY of result.

Monday, April 25, 2022

How to Retrieve More than 256 Rows from Excel using Microsoft Flow


In this Blog we will see how to retrieve More than 256 Rows from Excel using Microsoft flow

Implementation Steps:


1. Create an Excel or Upload the Existing Excel in OneDrive.


2. Open the Excel and Check How Many Rows Available. in my case i have 373 Rows Available




3. I Uploaded it in OneDrive




4. Once Done ---> Navigate to


5. Click Instant Cloud Flow and Select PowerAutomate and Input Name for the Flow




6. Once Clicked On Create --> Select Excel Online (Business) --> Then Choose List Rows Present in Table




7. Then Select the location Where the Excel is Available




8. Now for Testing Purpose i will Add a Apply For Each to Check How Many Rows its Retrieving.



9. Now We are done --> Click Test --> And Expand Apply to Each 




10. Now you can see only 256 Record Retrieved


11. Let's See how we can change this


12. Click On Three Dots in Excel (List Rows Present in the Table) and select Settings




13. Turn On Pagination and Select Threshold Value to 1000(it Depends) and Click DONE




 15. Now --> Save the Workflow and Test Again


16.  Now you can see all the Rows from Excel.




That's it :slightly_smiling_face:

Day 23: Creating New Records Programmatically with JavaScript in Dataverse / MSCRM

In this Blog, we will see how to Create New Records Programmatically with JavaScript in Dataverse / MSCRM var record = {}; record.bosch_day...