Tuesday, October 5, 2021

How to Use Open Entity Form in Dataverse Environment


In this blog we will see how to Open Entity/Quick Create Form from Dataverse/Model Driven Apps

There are two type of Forms Available

1. Main Form

2. Quick View Form


1. Main Form:


Consider you have a Ribbon Button and on Click on Button you want to Open a Main Form. So for that you can write the below JavaScript command to achieve the same

var parameters = {


parameters["cr608_logicalName1"] = Value1ForLogicalName1;

parameters["cr608_logicalName2"] = Value2ForLogicalName2;

Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm("cr608_EntityLogicalName", null, parameters);


2. Quick View Form:


Consider I have an account Entity and I want to Create an Contact Against that Account for that


First Retrieve Account Value and store in a Temporary Variable.


var retrieveAccountValue = null;

var accountId = null;

var account = primaryControl.getAttribute("parentaccountid"); // you can use formContext from Form. From Ribbon you need to pass Primary Control as Parameter

if (account != null) {

  retrieveAccountValue  = account.getValue();

  if (retrieveAccountValue  != null) {

    accountId = accountValue[0].id;




Then Create a Variable to set the Account Values


var parentAccountForContact = {

  entityType: "account",

  id: accountId



then you can Call the below code to open a Quick Create Form


// Create a Parameter

var parameters = {};

//Open Quick Create Form

Xrm.Utility.openQuickCreate("contact", parentAccount, parameters).then(function (ValueOutput) { successCallback(ValueOutput); }, function (error) { errorCallback(error);});

// Success Call

function successCallback(success) {



// Error Call

function errorCallback(e) {

  alert("Error: " + e.errorCode + " " + e.message);



That's it


This is how we need to user Open Entity Form in DataVerse/Model-DrivenApps/CRM Environment.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Scan Multiple Barcode at Once using PowerApps

Introduction :

In this Blog, we will see step by step implementation of how to Scan Multiple Barcodes at once and patch it to SharePoint

Implementation Process:




1. Navigate to office.com


2. Click SharePoint (if SharePoint List Already Available Copy the List Name else follow from Step #3)


3. Click Create Site then Team Site




4. Site then Input the Site Name and Owner and Privacy Setting as PUBLIC



4. Click Next for completion of Site Creation




5. Click New then Click List and Select Blank List then Click Next and Input the Name and Create.


6. Copy the SharePoint Browser URL.




1. Navigate to https://make.powerapps.com


2. Then Click on Apps


3. Click New and Select Canvas App


4. Once Page Opened Click on App and write the below Code


              getMultipleBarCodes --> to Collect Values after Scanning





5. Add a Gallery and Set the Item for that Gallery as getMultipleBarCodes




6. Add a Barcode Button Insert --> Media --> Barcode Scanner




7. Select the Scan Button and in On Scan Operation write the below code ( if the Scanned code already exists then Throw Error else Collect the information)


If(CountRows(Filter(getMultipleBarCodes,Value=BarcodeScanner1.Value))>0,Notify("Scanned Barcode already Exists"),Collect(getMultipleBarCodes,BarcodeScanner1.Value));


8. Click on Data source then Select SharePoint then Input the copied URL and select the List


9. Click OK.


10. Add a Button 




11. Rename as Submit and write the below code in On Select of that button


ForAll(getMultipleBarCodes,Patch('BarCode List',Defaults('BarCode List'),{Title:Value}))


12. Save and Publish the App.


That's it. This is how we need to use Multiple Barcode Scanning with PowerApps.


Video for your Reference : To Subscribe

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Change DataVerse/D365 rollup frequency


Usually When we create a Rollup Field it automatically creates a System Jobs with Recurrence of 1 Day. In this Blog, we will see how to change Rollup Frequency in DataVerse Environment.

Steps to Follow:


1. Navigate to https://make.powerapps.com


2. Then Click on Advance Settings by clicking Gear Icon at the Top




3. Then Click System Jobs




4. Change View to All Rollup Field Calculation Jobs




5. Then Open the Required Job to Change the Occurrence




6. Click Actions then Select Modify Recurrence




7. Then change Occurrence based on Requirement




That's it :slightly_smiling_face:

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

How to Create and Distribute Solutions from Power Platform

 Implementation Process:


1. Navigate to https://make.powerapps.com


2. Click Solutions then Click New then Enter the mandatory details like (Display Name/ Name / Publisher / Version)




3. Once Entered the Mandatory details click on Create --> Then open the Solution (in my case it is Demo Solution for publisher)






4. Click New to add a new Components(Tables/JS etc)


5. Click Add Existing to add the Existing Components


6. Once Done click On Export --> Then Publish




7. Then you will be directed to another screen for Exporting solution as Managed or UnManaged



a. Unmanaged --> If you Import it as Unmanaged in the destination environment we able to edit the Components available in the solution. Possible to export from the destination environment too.


b. Managed --> If you Import it as Managed you cannot edit the component. Not Possible to Export from destination environment.


8. Select the appropriate type and Click Export


9. Once import done you can import the same to your destination environment


That's it. This is how we need to Create, Export/Import solution from Source to Destination environment.

Publisher in Power Platform



As per Out of Behavior, Power platform will provide default prefix for custom entities as new_ or cr608_. To create custom prefix we need to create a publisher so that we can use our custom prefix while creating custom entities or custom fields in custom tables or OOB tables.


Implementation Steps:


1. Navigate to https://make.powerapps.com


2. Click on Solutions


3. Then Click on New Solution then select New Publisher Button




4. It will Navigate to another screen to Create a Publisher. Enter the Mandatory Details as Display Name/Name/Prefix

In this Demo am selected my Prefix as demo




5. If you want to enter Contact details about the publisher click on Contact and enter the details (Not Mandatory)




6. Once Done Click On Save Button to Save the Publisher




That's it. This is how we need to create Publisher.


Please find the Video for your reference

Youtube link for your reference.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Add Custom Icons in Sub-Grid or View in Model Driven Apps or CRM


In this blog we will see how to Add an Image or Icon in SUBGRID / VIEWS in Model Driven Apps or Dynamics CRM

Steps to Follow:

In this example in Opportunity Entity i have created an Option Set field

1. Submitted

2. Sent for Approval

3. Approved

4. Rejected

I have downloaded Four images and store it in CRM as Web Resources(Settings --> Customization--> Customize the system --> WebResource--> New WebResource --> Type as PNG)

As the Above mentioned you need to Process it for storing the PNG

Once Above steps done create an WebResource for JavaScript(Settings --> Customization--> Customize the system --> WebResource--> New WebResource --> Type as JavaScript)

Then write the below code in the TEXT Editor Javascript

function populateImageValuesinGrid(rowDataFromGrid) {


    var getRows = JSON.parse(rowDataFromGrid);

    var currentRecordStatus = getRows.cr608_currentrecordstatus;

    var populateimageValues = "";

    var populateTooltip = "";

    switch (currentRecordStatus) {

        case "Submitted":

            populateimageValues = "SUBMITTED WEBRESOURCE NAME";//cr608_submited

            populateTooltip = "Submitted";


        case "Approved":

            populateimageValues ="Approved WEBRESOURCE NAME";//cr608_Approved

            populateTooltip = "Approved";


        case "Rejected":

            populateimageValues = "Rejected WEBRESOURCE NAME";//cr608_rejcted

            populateTooltip = "Rejected";


        case "Sent For Approval":

            populateimageValues = "SFA WEBRESOURCE NAME";//cr608_sent for approval

            populateTooltip = "Sent For Approval";



    var returnArrayValues = [populateimageValues, populateTooltip];

    return returnArrayValues;


Once Pasted the above script--> Click Save then Publish

Once Publish Done

Open the Opportunity Entity from Solutions --> then click on View(here am going to populate in Opportunity association view)--> Open it then select open Classic View --> then Select the STATUS COLUMN(where you want to show images)

then Input the WebResource Name then Input the FUNCTION name --> Click Ok --> Save and Close --> PUBLISH

Thats it. Now you can see the image automatically gets populated based on the status


This is how we need to add Images/Icons in Custom View or in Grid

Friday, September 17, 2021

Create and Connect - Multi-factor enabled D365 Dataverse Programmatically



In this Blog, we will see how to create Application User in Azure to Access Dynamics CRM/ Model-Driven Apps

Azure Steps to Follow for Application User Registration

1. Login to https://portal.azure.com

2. Search for App Registrations at the top

3. Click New App Registration
4. Enter the Name and Click on Register

5. Once Registration Done 

6. Copy Application ID and Store it in Notepad

7. Search for Certificates and Secrets

8. Select New Client Secret

9. Enter the Description and Click Save

10. You will be getting Client Secret once you save it.

11. Copy that in your Notepad where Application ID Copied

Create Application User in Model-Driven Apps / CRM

1. Login to D365 CDS environment

2. Go to Settings –> Security –>Users

3. Change the view to ‘Application Users’ and click New. Make sure the form is ‘Application User’ form

4. Click New and Change Form to Application User and Input Application ID in the Text Box and Save

5. Then Assign appropriate Security role to this Application User as per your organization’s security set up.

C# Connection String:

String connectionString = “AuthType=ClientSecret; url=<your organization URL>; ClientId=<your application id>; ClientSecret=<client secret key>”;

                CrmServiceClient crmServiceClient = new CrmServiceClient(connectionString ); //Connecting to the D-365 CDS instance


                if (crmServiceClient != null && crmServiceClient.IsReady)

                { //Do your operation}

Day 11 - Customizing Option Sets Dropdown Fields with JavaScript

  In this Blog, we will see how to Customizing Option Sets Dropdown Fields with JavaScript label1 = formContext.getAttribute( "bosch_op...